



Hello, i'm sharing the V2 of my model of Ony. My character for my book named ''The White Forest''. -------------------------------- If you want to use Ony, please contact me via discord. ''ony_spirit'' -------------------------------- Ony's Story In the mystical depths of the White Forest, where time seemed suspended and nature reigned supreme, Ony was born, a being of enchanting strangeness. A child of ancient trees and whispers of the wind, he embodied the pure spirit of this peaceful haven, guardian of the millennia-old secrets buried in the fertile soil of this natural sanctuary. Imbued with the wisdom of century-old maples and the gentleness of crystal-clear streams, Ony grew up in serene solitude, lulled by the songs of birds and the murmurs of dancing leaves. His profound connection with every blade of grass, every animal's cry, and every ray of sunlight filtered through his being, nurturing his soul with an intuitive understanding of the fragile balance of the ecosystem. However, a mysterious call, almost imperceptible at first, urged him to leave this haven of peace and explore the world beyond the forest. Fascinated by humans, a species as complex as it was elusive, Ony embarked on a journey through the ages, from the cradle of humanity through flourishing civilizations and majestic empires. In each era, he encountered a multitude of reactions, ranging from reverence to fear. Sometimes, he was venerated as a deity, a tangible manifestation of the life force of nature itself, revered for his wisdom and power. At other times, he was feared and misunderstood, treated as a demonic force that shook the confidence of men in their own supremacy. During these tumultuous times, Ony was pursued, hunted, and even injured in vain attempts to end his timeless existence. Despite the mistrust and irrational hatred of some, Ony never harbored any resentment toward humanity. His kind nature and deep understanding of the complexities of the human mind led him to seek love and understanding rather than revenge. He understood that fear often stemmed from the unknown and ignorance, a realization that reinforced his desire to be accepted and loved by those he had observed with such admiration through the ages. Today, in 2024, Ony has chosen to settle in the bustling frenzy of New York, a sprawling metropolis where artificial lights compete with the stars in the night sky. In this modern world swirling with frenetic activity, he courageously tries to fit in, to find his place among the countless anonymous faces that pass each other without a glance. His days are now filled with curiosity and an insatiable thirst to understand the intricacies of the contemporary human psyche, as he gracefully navigates the twists and turns of city life, always seeking love and acceptance in a reality that is constantly evolving. --------------------------------




JKroto YT しました
Dark Ambiet しました
Kayla しました
Usagi しました
. しました
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