Iven Makita
/ Codename: Iven
Powers: Plant Life Manipulation




Iven is the main protagonist of his story of the experience other world and how his entitlement almost costed the life of Akane Hasegawa, Zenkichi's daughter. Like the other protagonists, Iven moved into a new home. This time, Shibuya, where LeBlanc is at. He lives closely by the café. Iven visited the world three times, given warnings of the other world, and facing one of the masterminds controlling part of the other world. The antagonist was known as the Other Grandfather despite being introduced second like the other father, since Iven's grandparents lives with his mom and dad but doesn't like how they are. Grandma cooking unusual and non-appetizing foods despite calling it an appetite filler, and Grandpa working on his inventions constantly and making up random, wacky, and downright embarrassing names for it and making promises that they can work properly when in reality its just a complete bust. As the truth of the world begins to unravel in front of his eyes and the fox (the fox from Inaba) giving him wisdom and advice (God allowed the Fox to speak in human tongues when necessary), and saving Akane from the entity known as the Kitsune. Iven is blunt, adventurous, a foodie, picky but appreciative, has wits, strategic, a quick-thinker, and sharp. He is the son of Bigbear Makita.


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