Macchiato マキアート
/ Macchiato after work
DoB: March 29th 生年月日: 3月29日 Age 年齢:20歳 Food: All you can eat buffet 好きな食べ物: 食べ放題ブッフェ Personality: Chivalrous, good sense of justice, dynamic, fearless, boastful, protective 性格: 騎士道精神にあふれ、正義感があり、ダイナミックで、恐れを知らず、自慢げで、保護的 Hobbies/Interests: All types of adrenaline activities (bungee jumping, parasailing etc), hand to hand combat. 趣味/興味:  あらゆる種類のアドレナリンアクティビティ(バンジージャンプ、パラセーリングなど)、白兵戦 Likes: Danger, sports, social gatherings 好きなもの: スポーツ、懇親会、自分を守れない人の保護 Friends: Peppa, Kurogoma, Sudachi, his students 友達: ペッパーコーン、黒ゴマ、 スダチ、彼のすべての生徒 Clash: Peppa, Atsuage, Sekihan 友達ではない: ペッパーコーン、厚揚げ、赤飯 Abilities: Impervious to most physical attacks, great physical strength and energy 能力: ほとんどの物理攻撃を通さず、優れた体力とエネルギー Goals: Personal trainer and lifestyle coach 目標: パーソナルトレーナー、ライフスタイルコーチ






@Meow ♪
yeah hopefully (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ lol you’re welcome 😋 the LaBelle one is always the one, that plays in my head, when I think of Lady Marmalade, even though I like the other version too.
@Meow ♪ Hopefully all goes well with your new uploads 🤞🏼 Thanks for the brain worm 🎵 😅😅
@Meow ♪
sigh.. it’s like tiktok all over again, I use to get into trouble posting certain videos, usually Ian because of his abs 🤣🤣 welp I can’t upload any models with special items, at the moment, going to try again, I can’t upload vrm files here, but I can still upload using vroid studios, just means I can’t post models with special items anymore.. Gitchie, gitchie, ya-ya, da-da (hey, hey, hey) Gitchie, gitchie, ya-ya, here (here) Mocha Chocolata, ya-ya (ooh, yeah) Creole Lady Marmalade ~
@Meow ♪ I just saw that media post, that's a huge pain in the butt; it sounds like they didn't even specify what was the issue with those models which has to be frustrating 😨 I personally would like to know so I can avoid having the same thing happen . Have you tried uploading any models with special items that have had no warnings? Btw I have Lady Marmalade playing in my head since reading your comment 😆😅
@Meow ♪
right? I didn’t even realise it was an actual reference to the song Lady Marmalade, until later 😆😆 finally found a pic of it I had to put my Navi on private, got 2 warnings today for firefly & momo, not sure why.. could be to do with the books they’re holding, also I have a feeling someone reported me.. because I’ve seen much worser + vulgar posts here, ones I wish I didn’t see & need to bleach my eyes type of posts 😆😆 I’ve tried updating Navi without the books, but it won’t let me upload vrm files, so not sure if I’m banned doing that, because I can still upload my models from vroid studios, just can’t submit vrm characters here with special items & stuff 😢


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