Jin Kei's Mother
/ Jin Kei's Mother
Tatyana TV




susito Kei Is Jin Kei's mother and was a kind lady she would always help others when they were stuck with they're job she would teach children respect people thought that Japan would never lose susito but that was untile Susito went missing nobody knows how and nobody knows why but she has went missing for several months one day a new family named the Osimoto Family. The house they moved into was the Kei family's old house. Things were going great but one day when the children were playing outside Susito come out of nowhere and started speaking japanese to them they spoke Japanese back but she took a turn and started yelling like an insane person. The children were scared so they ran inside and told they're Father. They're Father said that the Kei family had lived in the house and the loss of Susito's husband had tore the family apart. Her son Jin was a quiet kid and no kid dared to go near him. So now the kids knew why they're parents didn't want them out for too long. But as far as the whole town knows Susito Kei is still out there for new victims.


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