Rap Bellows
/ Raphael "Rap" Bellows
Age: 15-16 Species: Mutant Race: American Powers: Rumor-Realitokinesis, Supernatural Vocal Cords, Vibro-Materiokinesis Weapons: Dual Guns




A news reporter and deuteragonist. Comedic, kind-hearted, thoughtful, compassionate, caring, brave, and courageous, Rap supports Nancy Price and serves as a hero sidekick who is right next to her. Despite being a news reporter, he is thoughtful of everyone's opinions and respects their space, and is always being barked at by Okada's father, who is a detective, for snooping into places but only thinks that because both Rap and his cameraman, Davis Ulster, are reporters of the Oslo News. Tara's story: Asks Tara if he and Davis can join with her to England. He becomes one of the audience who is shocked to see that Edward is the one responsible of the murders in the final confrontation. Nancy's story: Becomes a major character in Nancy's story and plays the role of love interest. Rap went to Ricky's house and survives to tell the tale Ricky told him about. In the final confrontation, he steps in to buy Nancy some time to place the statue and open the Door. After Edward's demise and the fall of Burroughs Castle, the trapped duo became a couple as both Nancy and Rap kissed and was rescued by a construction unit and rescue team, with the help of Tara (responsible for the call). Rap and Nancy are now officially dating.


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