Fisher Regals
/ Fisher Regals




Fisher Regals is an ultimate student at Hope's Peak High and is known as the Ultimate Geek. He is known to be nerdy, annoying, picky, moody, dirty-minded, and rational. Though he's known to be one the best smartest students in all of Hope's Peak High, Fisher loves to push peoples buttons and make logical excuses that manages to make him slip out of trouble, marking him as a troublemaker. In other words, he's like his older brother Hoth, though Hoth changed his ways thanks to Chi Makita. Fisher is now sitting on hot water now that Hoth thinks more logically now and is even beginning to ponder at his arrogant and unbearable behavior. When Fisher overheard a plot about a murder from one of the ultimate students name Connor Pipson, Fisher decided to do the right thing so that no one else dies. He asks God for forgiveness, head straight towards Connor in the kitchen, then was brutally murdered. Fisher's body was then cut to pieces and his head laid on the counter, and then left there for Chi and three other ultimate students to discover his body. Chi, despite not being an ultimate student, still had to participate. Luckily, thanks to God guiding Chi with the right puzzle pieces and taping the morphogenetic fields to relive through the timeline of the murder, Chi managed to pinpoint the murder towards Connor and the votes of Connor confirmed him guilty. Fisher was at first seen as a nuisance, and with good reason, but he nevertheless had a change of heart and took the real target's place to keep her from harm.




Unknown User しました
Darkogene しました
Antony Maisey しました
HunterRayder93 しました
NPC124 しました
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