Shu azuro
/ Shu azuro
Tatyana TV




When Shu was only 10 years old His grandfather was a Dragon Slayer That slayed Evil Dragons from the Shin ten zi Which is a word for bad dragons. He loved how his grandfather would show him his fighting cane it could do anything for slaying dragons. One day he told his grandfather he wanted to be like him so his mother allowed him to train. He starts training each day, after dinner, and even night. He gets better each day. As Shu was walking home from school he saw a student getting picked on by bullies. Shu pushed one of them away and warned them not to pick on the student. However the bullies took it way too far and student beating the student worse than before causing the student to bleed alot. Shu decided he had enough and needed to end this so he took out he's grandfather's cane he carries around, and started fighting the bullies with he cane. The bullies ran away with bleeding noses and black eyes. The student was in the hospital for 3 days. By the time Shu got home he was going to tell his grandfather what he did, but he saw his whole family sitting at the table his mother, grandmother, and aunt were sobbing and his father and uncle trying to cheer them up. When Shu asked what was wrong he could stand but cry. His father told him his grandfather passed away last night on his bed. After hearing that Shu ran away crying hysterically he's family ran after him but he was already gone. He was gone for 2 weeks but return home on a one day. his mother was worried sick. Shu and his mother hugged each other tightly. Years later Shu azuro is now 18 years old. He is now a Dragon Slayer because a Wise man inspired him the most ''never think hard always think smart".


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