Chard Nathaniel Drake
/ Chard Nathaniel Drake
Age: 28-29 Species: Cheetah Race: American Powers: Feline Physiology/Supernatural Speed Attacks/Superhuman Strength/Steatokinesis Skills: Military/Leadership/Acrobatics




He may be chubby and fat, but don't dare underestimate him. He's one helluva soldier with Supernatural Speed, Superhuman Strength, and Steatokinesis. Despite his intimidating look, he's very kind-hearted, compassionate, patient, sharp-minded, and always never leaving someone behind. However, his emotions can be vulnerable due to constant deaths he's seen in the outbreak of New Raccoon City, having to watch his men die by bioweapons or becoming infected with the CHI Virus containing the C-Virus by Crola de Vinci, and gotten to a point of severe depression and suppressing all of his memories, now drinking and growing fatter to the point that he's huge on all sides and having to wobble his way throughout the entire bar, which is only him and the waitress Doniella Reefs, Sharta's fiancée, who is currently taking care of him. It took convincing from one of his surviving soldiers name Luthor Luxury, along with LDA members Rocky, Brunx, Pizkin, Squallus, and Lapook. Chard was shaped back to his normal self within only a few days thanks to his Steatokinesis and is ready to go, but he shows to be more blunt, serious, and vengeful against Crola. It took Chi Makita, his best friend, to give him some comfort and snapping him back into reality. Chard was able to defeat the cryptid Ningen and make it out alive with the LDA. Chard sees his soldiers, LDA coworkers, and friends as his family, since he lost his own biological family because of Umbrella.


Jurakan しました
Icy しました
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Fabiana Simões しました
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