


My name is 刀金 英雄 Katana-kin eiyū which is Japanese for sword hero, I'm 29 years old, and I love my brother トランキぶどうの鍵 Toranki budō no kagi, Bridges, engineering, Mochi, and Video game Including my favorite Wasabi Kid's Series. I used to live in Osaka with my brother, when I turn 18, I went to a university on bridges. In university I have study on Bridge designing, Engineering, Numerous of physical training and Scuba diving. And I have made some new friends name 早くい ギア闇 hayakui giayami, and ヤマハ 取りぇうyamaha toryeu. at 25-Years-Old I finally graduated and got my master's degree on physics, then I we're to the 橋梁点検 Kyōryō tenken to be a Bridge engineer, I got the job and now working for the company as a Construction, Underwater welders, and be able to work underwater in small spaces, Because I have some scuba experience in the past. Like one time me and my friends went diving in Inazumi Underwater Cave. Due to my medical training I able to Navigate out of The Cave and help one of my friends out. Then I became one of the youngest and Successful Underwater welders and cave Diver in the world and I even got a medal for my work, but sadly when I was 27 my mother has died for a car Accident & My father is getting too old to take care of トランキぶどうの鍵 Toranki budō no kagi So I decided to take care of him. As for me well now I am taking care of トランキぶどうの鍵 Toranki budō no kagi and I am happily Married to 託す 作レア Takasu Sakura and I have a daughter name 姫化 過去もと Himeka Kakomoto.


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