Jasmine Quartz
/ Jasmine Quartz




Jasmine Quartz is one of the normal students at Hope's Peak High and one of Chi's classmates. She is known to be feisty, tough, comical, goofy, playful, and moody. Jasmine loves belly dancing, skilled in poise, elegance, and style. She's also very cheerful, though she can get annoyed easily, expressing with disgust and irritation. She even not afraid to get her hands dirty should the situation calls for it. Jasmine shares Entomology class with Chi (Kai) Makita, the main protagonist, and at first expresses annoyance whenever Chi was around since both share a group table with each other. However, Jasmine begins to see Chi in a whole different level, when she overheard Chi screaming when visiting one of the men's dorm rooms to see if there's naked dudes, along with her other friends including Keesha Jonas. Curious, she listens and hears Chi crying and screaming, alone because Yaquel Guardonas, Chi's trusted pal/classmate/roommate/cousin, was taken into custody after Sae Niijima, a prosecutor, falsified evidence against him for "harboring a fugitive". After Scylla's destruction on Hope's Peak High and restoration at the school building within 3 days, Jasmine eventually gathers up her courage and asks Chi if he has any problems. His response: Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD for short. Jasmine felt awful but relieved to see that Chi's doing well, and both eventually forged a strong bond with each other that can never be broken, marking her as one of Chi's supportive allies.


Angel Dracko しました
Boompunkway しました
Donkey しました
madiso しました
RinaBeGaming しました
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