lol no I never knew, I’m still kinda new to vroid 😃 I’m glad you think
my models are that good tho 😆also thanks for the tips 💕 hopefully I can fix it 🤞🏼
I figured you knew about skin mask as your models are so good 😆 I think your problem has been solves then - just use black brush on skin mask to hide the bits poking out of clothes (white brush to let skin show ).
o skin mask layer? 😯never tried that before, need to go & have a look
yeah he’s super expensive to run 😝
no problem, I’m actually going to be busy soon, starting around tues or weds,
so won’t be here for a while.
I've had similar skin clipping with outfits, and then went crazy blacking out the skin mask layer 😆
I've missed some messages sorry about that, irl is hectic atm and stealing my Vroid time 😅
Diamond batteries... He has expensive tastes 😆