/ Simple Ver
Half human, half fox demon. Ayie is a kumiho / kitsune in training. She claims that she is a teenage fox demon and does not want to show her tails to others. Fox will only grow additional tails after it has lived 100 years. The reason she hide her tail numbers is still unknown but her friends suspect that she wants to hide her age from them. Rumors said that she is 500+ years old but her best friend, Ann said she does not have even one tail yet. Ayie is a trickster, she love to do pranks on her friends. She is also known for her mischievous behaviour and intelligence Ayie has one older brother and twin younger brother and sister. They are known as the famous kumiho troublemaker siblings in their hometown.




Half human, half fox demon. Ayie is a kumiho / kitsune in training. She claims that she is a teenage fox demon and does not want to show her tails to others. Fox will only grow additional tails after it has lived 100 years. The reason she hide her tail numbers is still unknown but her friends suspect that she wants to hide her age from them. Rumors said that she is 500+ years old but her best friend, Ann said she does not have even one tail yet. Ayie is a trickster, she love to do pranks on her friends. She is also known for her mischievous behaviour and intelligence. Her mother is a kumiho from East Asia while her father is a normal human from South East Asia. Ayie has one older brother and twin younger brother and sister. They are known as the famous kumiho troublemaker siblings in their hometown.




Lucy Loredo しました
AtomicFoxMimi しました
NoName しました
Sunnylucy しました
Paula Smith しました
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