/ Elanore Frost fright
Elanore is a frost-enhanced human, she has the power to conjure ice and many other possibilities, but she is the last known alive person in her kingdom. she was adopted by a weird trio, of "superheroes". they protect her and help her find more about her lost kingdom in hopes to rejuvenate it back to what it once was. Elanore is a 9 years old little girl. she is very shy and timid. she likes to think slowly and carefully. she is slow-witted, and has trouble with social interactions. she speaks in a high-pitched meek voice, but no one knows why she does that but they know she is scared of a lot of things.




DO YOU WANT THIS MODEL? あなたはこのモデルが欲しいですか?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COME MESSAGE ME ON DISCORD discord add friend: Creepuscule#3720---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCORDでメッセージを送ってください discord 友達追加: Creepuscule#3720--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lore---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elanore is a frost-enhanced human, she has the power to conjure ice and many other possibilities, but she is the last known alive person in her kingdom. she was adopted by a weird trio, of "superheroes". they protect her and help her find more about her lost kingdom in hopes to rejuvenate it back to what it once was. Elanore is a 9 years old little girl. she is very shy and timid. she likes to think slowly and carefully. she is slow-witted, and has trouble with social interactions. she speaks in a high-pitched meek voice, but no one knows why she does that but they know she is scared of a lot of things. _____ 伝承 Elanore は霜で強化された人間であり、氷や他の多くの可能性を呼び起こす力を持っていますが、彼女は彼女の王国で知られている最後の生きている人です. 彼女は「スーパーヒーロー」の奇妙なトリオに採用されました。 彼らは彼女を守り、彼女が失われた王国についてもっと知るのを手伝って、かつての王国を復活させることを望んでいます. エラノールは9歳の女の子です。 彼女はとても恥ずかしがり屋で臆病です。 彼女はゆっくりと注意深く考えるのが好きです。 彼女は機知に富み、社会的相互作用に問題があります。 彼女は甲高いおとなしい声で話しますが、なぜそうするのかは誰にもわかりませんが、彼女が多くのことを恐れていることはわかっています。


Kacper Zak しました
Redd Gorria しました
Guillermo しました
kureboGX しました
Xx_Bandaids_xX しました
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