Bumper Jekata
/ Bumper Jekata
Powers: Body Expansion, Blimp, Ground Pound, Bodily Gas Manipulation, Stench Generation




One of the main protagonists (Jurakan's incarnates), Bumper is a spoiled, bratty, stubborn, glutton, gassy, plump, hot-headed middle schooler with a hatred for the dull world he lives in. When he entered a world that gives him anything he wants, he wanted to stay there. But Coral advised him to never accept the buttons, surprised by how Coral new about the other world. Even a female Pomeranian warned him about the world being a trap. As he was offered a pair of button to sew on his eyes, he started to see the awful truth one by one through each adventure he takes, and that the Beldam had died years ago and with the new inhabitant taking forth. He is known as the Yeller, a large, anthropomorphic wolf with the ability to fashion illusions. Bumper was supposed to have 7 of his classmates over at his house for a sleepover, which was planned out by his mom Zachariah Jekata, but went missing because of the Yeller kidnapping them and trapping them in his world to lure Bumper in. With the help of the Pomeranian, they managed to outwit the Yeller and trapped him in his own world after challenging him and tricking him into opening the door. Bumper was then advised later to save Yeller from the Beldam, who was actually still alive. Bumper saved Yeller from the Beldam as she fell down a volcanic pit of lava. Yeller was then revealed to be Bumper's uncle, Yeller Makita, Codename: Yeller. He was once a puppet to the Beldam but betrayed her and became useless to her and trapped him for a very long time, all because he wanted to save a little girl from being the third victim. Bumper had to go through the same thing like his older brother Coral because he needed to learn to appreciate the real world and that to have the dull more exciting, you have to make it exciting as the dullest parts of life can actually bring out the more excitement. He is less of being a bully and more like a boy who is kind, laid back, still gassy, a glutton, loves animals (he never hurts animals but does find the Pomeranian a pain after scaring him but now has a close bond with her after the events that took place), and adventurous.




shaggy Pereira しました
Itamarko10 しました
stillch しました
Alex しました
Zerks しました
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