Parker Jaeger
/ Parker Jaeger
Age: 45 Species: Human Race: American Powers: Realitokinesis/Morphokinesis




Father of Harold and Loby Jaeger and ex-husband of Helen Jaeger (Ice). At first, he was seen as a loveable, outgoing, and friendly dad who, in Harold's eyes, is just like his mother and only cares for Loby and everyone else while neglecting their own son. However, it is soon revealed that all was an illusion created by Parker himself, manipulating the reality and cognition of other people in order to hide his son from a shady organization. Parker is revealed to be an extremely shy, soft spoken man who lacks the ability to have a fluent grammar, often saying little words in a more childlike tone, another of his personality trait that he hid. After the divorce, everyone saw him for who he truly is. Despite being highly childlike and shy, he shows no mercy to those who do wrong and giving them a taste of their own medicine by using his Morphokinesis, a powerful ability that can cause objects or living creatures to take solid form of another life and/or object and changing the shape and behavior. Harold's Realitokinesis was inherited to him by his father, since he too has the ability to warp reality itself. Parker was taken in by Harold after being found in the rain deep within the forest and curled up into a ball, scared and confused as he breaks into pouring tears. Though sensitive, he's very soft and gentle so long as people don't get on his bad side or treat others or himself poorly. Otherwise, you're in for a cold and ruthless awakening of petty. Parker acts as support for Harold, teaching him how to control and utilize his Realitokinesis.




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