



Name: Virtuous Ire Gender: Male Race: Unicorn Age:18 Element: Dark Alignment: True Nuetral bio: Ire is an unicorn that's seen better days. As a foal he attended a Canterlot school keeping a steady pace despite being unnoticed by his peers. During a training session at age 10 while testing out a certain spell with electricity, a red unicorn simultaneous was experiementing with fire magic. Due to a sudden event it caused the red unicorn to accidentally exert too much power into the attack causing Ire to be the only pony to get hit full force with the flames giving him blisters that would eventually become permanent burn marks. Despite the colossal injury, he didnt hold a grudge against Solar Flare. Ever since then, not only would he have to endure torment from his peers for looking like a freak from said injuries, he would be the guinea pig for Zealous Wave's experiements. Despite seeking advice from other authorities, the storm hardly subsided which would eventually lead to him noticing a purple archmage who too would endure said bullying which he would then lead to him striking the university with lightning. After a few months, during the time when he was wandering about, Queen Chrysalis was laying siege on Canterlot at the time. Ire himself got caught into the crossfire leading him to get mauled by stray changelings after mocking him in a way that would pour salt into the wounds he already had from before causing his horn to break and rendering him unconscious for the time. Completely mind broken with no one to turn to, this put Ire into a traumatized state that would cause him to loath almost everyone especially the changelings. Eventually, he meets a navy colored unicorn that currently take him him under her wing and eventually a mare who would happen to be Rarity of the Mane Six. Her generosity shown towards him despite his appearance would not only lift his spirits up and but give him reason to give others a chance before deciding to trust them or not. This would also cause the boy to look up to her as a role model.


Kat しました
Xtr3meM0nZter しました
yumu miza しました
Ben Brink しました
SweetPassion しました
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