an occasionally cold and distant and sadistic dark majin girl with a surprisingly kind true personality




dark link wanted a friend so he went to comet in order to reverse engineer the magic that created him leading to the creation of this girl dark cosmos she started her existance waking up in stardust's room startling eachother with their presence, having no real name or memories she just kinda sat there unsure what to do next stardust went to her doppelganger and asked if she would like to live with her since she had nowhere to go, cosmos agreed , not having a name stardust gave her the name dark cosmos due to her looking like a distorted image of herself, her personality is not too different from her counterpart in most ways but she differs in a few ways being slightly sadistic and very controlling to those she cares about wishing to protect them by stringing them along she means well by it though, She has a murderous aura when upset or angered Which often scares or deters people from doing things She doesn't like or just scaring them off in general She can scare most life forms with it. later meeting dark link they immeadiately became friends, what she may do next is a mystery. Her powers are all the powers stardust has but with some of them being tweaked Her ice powers a black color and are far more dangerous than her counterpart often freezing the enemy internally or encasing them In ice or skewering them, her water powers are also a dark blue similar to oil and can be used to siphon the water out of the target or invertedly placed into places they're not supposed to be like the lungs or brain and when placed inside the body it behaves similarly to a toxin weakening bodily functions of the area around it, she can use it as a whip to slice them, she can use both in combination creating water on the opponent then freezing it, by doing this she can make instant walls or ramps or slides and the sort increasing her mobility in comparison to her counterpart, stardust can also do this but not as efficiently as cosmos When fighting she becomes more sadistic in nature reveling in the pain she inflicts on her enemies Or she could become an efficient killing machine dispatching foes with little time by targeting their vitals and just freezing then removing the liquids often causing it to shatter or crumble, mercy is often a mere suggestion to her, but she does often avoid killing the frightening reason behind that is her wanting to cause more suffering and she will not attack someone unprovoked and waits till the first punch to be thrown and often asking them if they wish to be eliminated as a form of mercy with most people backing off and those foolish enough to follow through rarely getting out without ending up gravely injured or worse, Her fighting ability is leagues ahead of her counterpart due to her near barbaric nature when it comes to fighting.




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