Zenkichi Hasegawa
/ Zenkichi Hasegawa
Age: 40 Species: Human Race: Japanese Powers: Persona




Zenkichi Hasegawa is an inspector and PubSec officer, Kai Makita's caretaker, and the father of Akane Hasegawa. He is known to be blunt, straight-forward, a father figure, loving, caring, and comical-like. Zenkichi always acts calm and composed whenever he's doing his job, but has a lot of comical sense of humor whenever it comes to his panic or irritated episodes. Nevertheless, he tries his best despite the circumstances. Unfortunately, his relationship with his daughter Akane isn't that great despite the times he tries to be a better father. Akane constantly accuses him for abandoning her, drinking, partying, and leaving her mother's case cold and not bringing justice for the man who ran her over with no remorse. Zenkichi gets ridiculed constantly by others sometimes but makes sure to bring a sense of humor. He's also very sharp-witted and calculative. When Zenkichi took the job as Hope's Peak High's officer hired by Cat Makita the Headmaster, he would find himself babysitting and caring for Kai Makita, a college student with autism (Asperger Syndrome) that can wield multiple forms as evidence of his natural powers. Zenkichi always stood up for Kai whenever he gets harassed, bullied, or gossiped about and doesn't take it very lightly, seeing Kai as if he were his son of his own even though he can get a headache for Kai's most clumsy, reckless, and unexpected behaviors and actions. Zenkichi and Kai eventually forged a father and son bond that can never be broken.




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