Anime Girls
/ Erio Towa
Aleks Wolny




At the start of the story, Erio is often seen wearing a pink futon with purple floral patterns on it, which covers most of her body except for her legs, bottom of her skirt and sometimes the tips of her hair. At the end of "City of Aliens" is when Erio is finally seen without her futon. Without it, she wears a school uniform (from when she was attending school) which consists of a shirt, bow tie and a skirt. She wears it in an extremely unkempt way: with her bow tie loose and shirt only half worn. She is always barefoot, even if she is outdoors. Her hair colour is a light blue along with her deep blue eyes. Her hair seems to a little messy it has two points at the top.
Lala Mimi
Re: "She is always barefoot, even if she is outdoors": Nah, u lie, l see this toon has socks, so actually nah. VRoid Devs seem actually care about risk of injurying models players create using their editor! Even though you must put such a Titanic effort to injure your model about a white abyss because it's the only thing they can touch! Whuzza cowardly goats?! Howeva, theaz a REILLY gr8 hack: It enables making model with both distinctive toes (no override to SOCK geometry) and ANY _BODY SUIT_, and not ANGLED, so Vroid Studio Release may recieve a second breath now!


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