Ci Flower
/ VOCAlight94 Version
Here's my personal take on Ci Flower, a CeVIO and VoiSona Voice Bank made by Gynoid, Co.




For those who don't know, I've had a project where I make a personal model of each of the voice banks I currently own. So, here's the newest addition to my collection: Ci Flower! Long story short, vFlower (spesifically her V4) is my favorite VOCALOID Voice Bank and to be honest, when Ci Flower was first revealed last year... I wasn't too happy with it. She was an okay voice bank, she just didn't really feel like Flower, not to mention she suddenly looked like some sort of Arknights character. But then earlier this year she got a major 2.0 update, and oh my gosh she sounds like how I had hoped she was going to sound from the beginning! So, when I learned that the VoiSona editor along with Chis-A was a free download, I decided that I would get a month-long license at some point and do a full month of Flower songs like I did with Teto and GUMI. But then stuff happened, plans changed, and I actually wound up with a full license, so Flower's here to stay! As for my design of her. I decided that for the body shape, hair, facial structure, hair/skin/eye color I would pull from her CeVIO design, after all this is technically Ci Flower. But for her outfit, I leaned more into her V4 design for the colors and the rest of the details. Overall I think this is probably the best I've done when it comes to recreating a pre-existing design's face, and I'm happy with her. Ci Flower is a Voice Bank made by Gynoid, Co. for the program CeVIO and VoiSona by Techno-Speech, Inc. This is not my original character and just an interpretation of her I made for personal use.


Vilka しました
paranoi_a_ しました
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