Vanessa Walters
/ Vanessa Walters
Persona (Tera)




Vanessa Walters is a normal student at Hope's Peak High and Yuro's best friend. She is known to be cheerful, blunt, ongoing, sweet, kind-hearted, and considerate. But she's also very moody and sarcastic. Vanessa gets very anal on Yuro every time he forgets to take his medication before sleeping. Speaking of before, Vanessa was an ongoing person that would hang out with lots of people due to her charismatic attitude and becoming one of the most popular girls even ranking on top of the list of the most popular. Yuro, Vanessa, and Franky, Vanessa's best friend, and a few others were assigned an apartment room all together and Vanessa would sleep in the same bed as the rest of the group, whereas Yuro slept on the coverless mattress next to them (They slept on a bed higher while Yuro slept on the mattress, yes, just a mattress). Unfortunately for Yuro, he forgot to take his medication (AGAIN) and urinated blood, where everybody in the room would notice the next day. Though Yuro thought that his secret is exposed, the others informed him that the secret will be better off kept hidden, reminding them that they won't say a word to anyone about it and would support him, giving Yuro comfort. Vanessa became a supporting protagonist and a sidekick/fighter for Yuro and the group. Persona: Scheherazade




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