Free - Hyper Avatar - ShiShi
/ Free - Hyper Model for Shishi model for Shishi




Commission Free for ShiShi. Horn Items used by Creator listed below. ToS: CREDITING RULES Please always credit Venus Variation when posting with these assets or models I create. When crediting on platforms where Venus Variation is present, tag directly! Twitter: @venusvariation Instagram: @venusvariation TikTok: @venusvariation Hyper / VIRTU/ Vear @venusvariation VRChat: @VenusVee VRoidHub: either use the booth credit feature, or link assets in your description. “Assets by Venus Variation" is acceptable when using more assets than the links will fit, but please link at least one so the shop is accessible through your model listing. Otherwise, link back to if possible If it is not possible to tag or link, you MUST still credit Venus Variation in either an attached comment or in the caption. These models and assets are A LOT of hard work, time and your contribution is to share who made them in exchange for using them free. This should go for any creator you’ve downloaded from! USAGE RULES You may convert models made with these assets for other programs MikuMikuDance, VRChat, ChilloutVR, and similar software. When uploading, please keep the given model title. If possible, when putting in a sharing space such as an avatar world, please add a sign nearby with the link of the booth shop to direct people to the asset creator. For other programs, please contact me via email or my social media to discuss your request. You may not sell models with these assets. They are free, and should not be used to charge anyone. You may not reupload and redistribute these assets. They will only be distributed through my booth shop or my ko-fi. You may make edits for personal use, such as recoloring or retexturing. :) But you may not redistribute said edits. You may use OC models with these edits in projects containing 18+ themes, but you may not use them in content that insults, degrades, or fetishizes women, individuals or groups. By posting images or videos containing my assets, you are giving permission for me to retweet/repost them. I will always credit the model owners when doing so. I enjoy seeing what people make with my creations, and boosting artists that use them. If you break my rules, you will be given one warning only before being blacklisted, which removes you from being able to request commissions or join events, and will be reported to all content groups I am part of. You have 24hrs after the warning is given before you will be reported on the site where the content was found, as well as added to the official Blacklist. I have decided to follow this system as other creators I respect allow those who forgot accidentally to take proper responsibility. If you have been warned previously and it reoccurs, I will make the judgment call personally based on your previous response whether I will immediately blacklist you or contact you privately about the matter beforehand. Please do not expect an automatic forgiveness, as I take misuse of my assets very seriously due to the amount of time and intense amount of effort I put into them. Thank you for reading the asset Terms of Use properly! Have fun, and thanks again for downloading! <3 I look forward to seeing what you create.





miska しました
Masaga しました
DR Wu Manhattan しました
shin_k しました
Logan Staviri しました
この項目が「OK」の場合、モデルに設定されている利用条件にしたがって、他のユーザーがこのモデルを利用できます。モデルデータ(VRM形式)を提供したり、VRoid Hubと連携した各種VR/ARプラットフォームや3Dコンテンツ等でモデルを利用できます。
フォーマット: VRM 0.0
利用条件: アバターOK/暴力表現NG/性的表現NG/法人NG/個人商用NG/改変NG/再配布NG/クレジット表記必要