


my name is カエルのたてがみ Kaeru no tategami which is Japanese for frog mane. I am a Descendant for an African American I will tell you how I got here. My mother has moved to Japan due to the racism that happens in America. so, I was born in Mito in 1976, and my mother became a maid for this rich man, name 月の騎士 Tsuki no kishi, so I Determined to be a servant for a rich man, just like my mother. so, I started at the Maid's training center at 14, and then working at the maid's cafe when I became 21-year-old. years pass and around 2006 I became the best maids for this rich man call 貪欲な王様のキスDon'yokuna ōsama no kisu and I became a celebrity at the Maids award. then one day I met this lonely maid on the street when I was task at getting some fugu, seafood, and some veggie at the fish market. so, I ask her why you are crying, after so she explains to me why she is upset she introduce herself, her name is 無気力 Mukiryoku so I give her a Possession to be a maid with me, then she accepts it like that! so now I am becoming a teacher for maid's & butlers in training for the no kisu family, and 無気力 Mukiryoku not only I became her teacher, but became best friend and i make sure she don't cause any trouble.


Speedster Gamer しました
晩景緋音 しました
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RYO 73 しました
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