/ rex (baby)




Jaxx and Alisa's second son Rex he was born along side his 2 siblings his brother alex and his sister venus rex is a kind and temperamental and unusually strong little guy, His strength is slightly comparable to his father but still developing and will get much stronger as he grows but while it may still be weak in comparison to his father's current strength its still allows him to do things like crushing just about anything he can get his tiny hands on with an amazing amount of force, or pulling around grown adults when determined or angered enough. His most impressive form of strength is his ability to rip apart the fabric of reality to create rifts between locations essentially acting as portals, although the rifts don't last very long and will close after a short amount of time if not kept open by rex. Rex has unleashed new abilities from jb testing rex on what weapon(s) would fit him best those being a katana and a pair of brass knuckles which were simply test weapons for him to use until jaxx would make real versions of said weapons, One of them is the ability to create flames and heat from said katana which allows him to cut things easier or shoot fire from said blade similar to the red queen from Devil may cry or the mab dachi from Bayonetta 3. The second ability is similar to a JoJo stand or the devil bringer/bringer claws from devil may cry And it allows him to make a pair of spectral arms That he can use to mimic his real arm's actions or act independently from his actions, he can use them to punch, grab things from a good distance away or defend himself, But he can also morph these arms into multiple forms Like small spinning knives that he can fling/shoot at a target.




きずな/KIZUNA しました
Mallory しました
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