/ EBONY (Bishop's Pawn)
Pawn of the Atlantides, a minotaur BattleGrid team who also own and use their own milk for the Pleiadian Parlor ice cream restaurant. Her milk is Lime-flavored. Her affinity is wind. A charitable little lady who shares her fortunes with everyone she meets. One such manifestation of this trait is an eagerness in having her milk harvested. The other pawns have to work to ensure she doesn't give away too much of herself...or steal their stuff to donate without their consent. Planets: Neptune, Haumea, Admetos




A BattleGrid outfit created to accommodate and accentuate certain Minotauroid parts. EBONY Model. The backless dress, proves room for the tail to move freely, while the front has modual bra support built-in. The materials used include special cloths found in the stellar systems of the Pleiades and Hyades clusters as well as the usual tech and material of most BattleGrid outfits. ---- Part of the “Atlantides” series of models. Like the Solfege, these lasses were created with a Chess theme in mind, but this time I decided to go with a more bovine twist, and as such all sixteen members are minotaurs. Like the Solfege, they are not meant to be used for Vtuber avatars. The tail, fur and hoofs are homemade. Everything else is third party. Any BOOTH hairstyles listed are specific to the character (some are partially used), but the rest as shared throughout the EBONY wave. The pawns will have the hair textures and one outfit I took pieces from for the total ensemble, while the others will list the source of the leg belts and the other outfit used, and characters without a BOOTH hairstyle will list the nails.




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