Soldier Units
/ Eurylochus
Soldiers are known for both combat and battle tactics, using different weapons and wielding shields. Equipping them with a bow and arrow is also good for them, balancing out not just defense but offense as well. Menelaus's Special Ability: Menelaus inflates into a ginormous ball humanoid whenever he gets too angry, and can move farther within range. He stays there and will not take any damage until the next turn, causing him to inflate the second time, where he inflates to his limits and explodes, damaging whatever is within closer or farther range and not only dealing much damage, but also breaking nearby walls and locked doors. Ajax the Great's Special Ability: Thanks to his size, Ajax's offense and defense increases greatly, but decreases his speed and giving him less range.




Eurylochus is a cowardly soldier who, despite doing good in battle for the very least, tends to do unwise choices out of fear. He is known to be pessimistic, cowardice, constantly anxious, and timid. Eurylochus was caught up in a situation where the 7Individuals fought against Parasite Shadow Zeus, and tries to flee. Have Diomedes talk to him, and he'll stop Eurylochus from running and angrily scolds him for not being like a man, with Eurylochus given no choice but to stay and fight. Eurylochus, despite his relentlessness, was placed as one of Talrod's soldier units. Eurylochus proves to be a coward and an idiot, but will feel welcomed as the journey continues, feeling warmth and determination from his friends and giving him the courage to man up, something that Diomedes noticed and is proud of him. Eurylochus can support both Diomedes and Odysseus.


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