Macchiato マキアート
/ makki shinigami
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Meow ♪
15 days ago
Yeah, I’ve also tried it on one of my models, it doesn’t look right too, the skin colour has to be the same colour as the creators model 🙃 was hoping it would match Makki 😋 I guess I’ll try again with the long nails, hopefully it doesn’t crash too much, the app is driving me insane 😏
15 days ago
Oh noes that must be so stressful, I know from experiencing that myself - had full puter freezes as well 😑 Keep at the nails; like I said I just put a long nail texture on a fingerless glove texture that I put on a body suit and set Finger Stretch to max. You could probably just put the nail texture on a body suit, set Finger Stretch to max and make the body suit invisible. As for Makki, I tried the skull / skeleton paint on his regular skin , it didn't look right though 🤨 In the end I made his skin jet black, just looked more Halloween-y 😁
Meow ♪
15 days ago
o he looks cool 💕😊 do you have the skin colour version too? 😯just kidding lol 😋 I’m still trying to work out how to do long nails, but my app keeps crashing on everything I do lately (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


by ItzHer
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