
Thank you for liking these model I like to create a human-like character even it is not really realistic look ..So here we go some of scene test [normal char not nude] https://www.youtube.com/@metachanneleducation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0WP53zdm-I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDRcx-BLnqA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwgzPpvssiY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2PeP037WjQ READ ME FIRST How to create an easy animation with VRM model like the examples above? [please read carefully it may be useful for you ] Recommend apps to test this char [best apps] VRM LiveViewer [available on vroid hub] https://hub.vroid.com/en/apps/6068bf0761d71b7fabb157d73c7d6b2cd56f3424d79ec58d725324aef4e6210c this is the best software to test the VRM model along with BVH motions Use your own VRM model or use my FREE VRM model here [normal char not nude] https://hub.vroid.com/en/users/84823466 Blender https://www.blender.org/download/ this is the best software to edit the Background must be in GLB files or you may customize/enhance your VRM characters you have extracted from Vroid The best Blender Add on while working with VRM files/model [mandatory for you] https://github.com/absolute-quantum/cats-blender-plugin https://github.com/saturday06/VRM-Addon-for-Blender this is the best addon to edit the VRM model [import and export to Blender] BVH animation/ motion source files that need to be tested on above apps DOWNLOAD and test on VRM LiveViewer CMU BVH motions database https://sites.google.com/a/cgspeed.com/cgspeed/motion-capture?authuser=0 Bandai Namco BVH motions database https://github-com.translate.goog/BandaiNamcoResearchInc/Bandai-Namco-Research-Motiondataset?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=id&_x_tr_hl=id&_x_tr_pto=tc Adobe Mixamo https://www.mixamo.com/ See my tutorial how to utilize mixamo animation here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMWU2LfHMww FREE BVH motion editor https://www.bvhacker.com/ this is the best software to edit the BVH motion, that you've been downloaded from above sources. The files must be in BVH file format. Best FREE downloadable GLB files for background on sketchfab that need to be test on VRM LiveViewer [set as background] https://sketchfab.com/yuuuusukeeee https://sketchfab.com/dylanheyes https://sketchfab.com/jimbogies/ https://sketchfab.com/crispimrafael/models https://sketchfab.com/qurbanova.irade Others https://sketchfab.com/homedesign3d https://sketchfab.com/mozillareality https://sketchfab.com/VertaScan https://sketchfab.com/unityfan777 https://sketchfab.com/210140 https://sketchfab.com/Tycho_Magnetic_Anomaly https://sketchfab.com/william.sayin/collections/music-musical-instruments-and-accessories-1fa219b9c136461c965a8b43ba4c48b4 and many more.. Find your suitable Background and it is recommended to download them in a GLB file format, and NOT an FBX or GLTF.. Then you may edit them on Blender for any customized form as you like. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES [BEST FREE SOFTWARE ALL OF TIME] Best Video editor https://www.openshot.org/ Best Audio Editor https://www.audacityteam.org/download/ Best Audio Recorder https://www.apowersoft.com/free-audio-recorder-online Best Video capture https://www.apowersoft.com/free-online-screen-recorder Best MIDI Editor https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk https://www.anvilstudio.com/ Best Audio Mixer https://www.virtualdj.com/ Best Studio Effect if you need a green screen https://obsproject.com/ Best Text To Speech converter, useful for overdubbing voice or any audio/video Lip-sync purposes https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/cognitive-services/text-to-speech/#features Best English translator or grammar-check https://quillbot.com/grammar-check Best online E-Book resources https://libgen.is/ Thanks for subscribe and join