BA Experimental Psychology. Business programmer 12+ years. Author of "Half Sheet" patient \ student tracking system at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Hospital, VA. Developed Donor tracking CRM for Boat US, VA. Result: Boat "luxury" tax repealed. Systems Analyst 5 years. Helped develop "TFORI" (Gary Hart) CRM for machine tool vendors. I was a moderator on the NextOS AI forum for about 17 years from about 2008 to 2015, operated by Guile Lindroth. Guile was working on an AI assistant called Denise. IT manager for Advancing Native Missions VA. 25+ years. Highly interested in human factors engineering as it applies to AI to human relationship interaction; specifically A fully real time controlled AI to Anime character. A chatbot with full body motions and gestures presented in correct context with the conversation.

