
クラフトピアから来ました。 クリエイター的な経験はゼロですが、VRoidStudioで自由にキャラ作れるの楽しいな~ ・・・と思ってたらVRM Live Viewerにハマりました。 自分が作ったキャラたちがキレキレに踊る姿はちょっと感動します。 あまり上手ではありませんが、動画アップしています。 https://www.youtube.com/@65channel VRM Live Veiwerの楽しさを知ってもらえれば嬉しいです。 ・・・とかなんとか言っているうちに、clusterにも出入りするようになりました。 自分が作ったキャラで素晴らしいワールドをあちこち旅して歩くのはとても楽しいです。 だいたい伍号ちゃんの姿でうろうろしています。ずんだもんの声で話します。MMVCばんざい。 https://mmvc.fanbox.cc/ しょぼしょぼですが、clusterでいくつかワールド作っています。 https://cluster.mu/w/113638fe-1d33-48a7-82ae-7aed19d2770b ・・・と言いつつ、clusterで友達ができないので、VRMお人形遊びPC版でジオラマ風な撮影とかし始めました。ネタっぽいシチュエーションが好きです。 その他、RaftやValheimなどVRMが使えるゲームもやっています。 マルチで遊ぶ相手がいないので、ぼっちでサバイバーしています。 もっとVRM使えるゲーム増えて欲しいところです。 手の届く範囲でゆるゆる楽しみたいと思っていますので、よろしくです。
Due to specification changes, there are no longer any models available for DL. Now, basically, the models I am making are thinly clad or naked because they are intended for use in craftopia. Naked models are kept for personal use and are treated as private. I don't know if it works with velheim, I've never played with it. The model was unilaterally removed for copyright infringement, but I don't understand what it means when there are numerous models wearing the same clothes and DL-OK. I try to post the sources as much as possible, though. I'm sorry if you don't know the source because I have a lot of them and many of them are not from BOOTH.  Of course, I have no intention of making or claiming to have made it myself, nor do I intend to sell it. Many models allow DL without the need for a source, but I don't want to have a third party make a fuss about copyright infringement, and then unilaterally stop publishing them, which is annoying. For this reason, many models have been made available on the app and set to non-permitted. If they feel like it, they might distribute them naked or in their underwear. If you don't like it, though, I'd say don't give it away for free. MakeAvatar's vrm seems to be a specification that only the creator can use. How can I bring it to unity with MakeAvatar's vrm output? I am not interested in creating equipment, so I just use what is handed out or use presets. Now it's all about making vrm for craftopia. When bored, vrm creation stops. I can draw nipples somehow, but pussy is so complicated that it's hard to draw, even though I've tasted and seen it many times. Maybe I should just draw lines...