
hello!! welcome!! (^w^) Daemonium Ængelous Saint-Morningstar & Lunala Skyliæ Princess-Morningstar (or Ængel & Skyæ) are TwistædÆsthetic... hope you dont mind it here... (>w<) Huge edit!!: I got suspended from pixiv so I can’t post or edit there anymore!! :’( Edit: got an alt pixiv for only the story ————————— Ængel: https://hub.vroid.com/en/users/68958120 https://dot.cards/angeltae ————————— Twistæd Æsthetic: https://dot.cards/twistaedaesthetic ————————— (Context on Lilith) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X4HHKiIDuF2jDKYXahax9CPV4IPcHyOK/view?usp=sharing (warning! you might cringe reading our story... procede with caution... :') ) beyond dimensions universes and multiverses there are existences that are even further beyond comprehension and twisted aesthetic lies in the 4th one... where in this existence the virgin saint mary has lucifer's child 4 years after jesus morningstar: Ængel. as the family grew up together angel had grew colder and more depressed to the point of self harm and jesus at 18 felt sad for him but instead of looking for comfort from their god he looked for it from his wife lilith herodias. the last mark on angels wrist almost killed him to the point of their god feeling bad and forcing down an ageless immortality to him and until before corruption his future soulmate and twin flame while Skyæ being that person was conceived. The only being capable of giving him the true redamancy he needed, at least later… several years later… . . . . . . . . . . . . please dont hate my story >~< (Full version: Here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/108342034 And here: https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=22772257 Plz be nice…
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