/ stardust casual
a kind majin girl with alot of compassion and the desire to help others




my oc stardust, comet's twin sister, elder sister of lilly and younger sister of jaxx Link's wife and mother of 2, she has the power to become invisible and heal others, being the master of ice and water is able to produce and manipulate ice snow and water to her will able to freeze water into ice or take the water out of an object or area around her, she could make water and ice constructs, She rarely ever fights or gets into conflict and is very compassionate usually helping others whenever she can, She likes to cook and is quite good at it, she's a very good friend to have around. she has a prehensile tail which has a mind of its own acting like a defensive measure and is like a sensory organ able to detect the slightest changes around it as a side effect it is sometimes quite sensitive, it is often not moving but certain things make it react, like soft fabric it likes soft things and will usually wrap itself around it, if it senses danger it will tense up and will attack the source of distress, it dislikes excessive amounts of heat and often wiggles when over heated, the reason it came to be is because comet was bored and curious so he injected his sister with a serum while she was sleeping, the tail was originally not as defensive as it is now, Due to the traumatic incident that almost took stardust's life via heart theft, She was nearly killed by her (then lost) elder brother due to him being used as an assassin to take out her heart in a martial arts tournament, during the time she was missing a heart the tail used itself as a replacement heart in order to keep her alive, As a form of ptsd it became alot more defensive and sensitive to danger in order to prevent it's "host" from potentially deadly harm.




Bry しました
Bentendo しました
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